Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Bonnet House is closed Mondays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and May 4 & 5, 2019 for the Fort Lauderdale Air Show.
The Bonnet House Museum and Gardens is a historically significant house. It includes a museum and a botanical garden.
The grounds encompasses one of the last examples in South Florida of a native barrier island habitat. Five distinct ecosystems can be found on the property. They include the Atlantic Ocean beach and primary dune, a fresh water slough, the secondary dune, mangrove wetlands, and a maritime forest. The house is located on the secondary dune. The grounds include natural vegetation. The grounds also contain a Desert Garden composed of arid plantings and a hibiscus garden. The main courtyard is planted with tropical vegetation. Various blooming examples are rotated regularly through the estate’s Orchid Display House.
Today, Bonnet House Museum and Gardens is a haven for a variety of birds. They include migratory birds, year round birds indigenous to Florida wetland and coastal areas, and manatees that occasionally seek refuge in the estate’s Boathouse Canal.
Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma caused significant damage to the grounds in 2005. They destroyed much of the estate’s upper tree canopy. A major restoration project was begun in 2008 to replant the grounds to restore them to their period of significance appearance. The restoration also shields the property’s historic view corridors from neighboring development.
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