Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Fairchild is open every day (except December 25). There are special times available for seniors and individuals who identify as vulnerable.
Due to COVID, hours may vary, please verify on their website before heading out.
Walk garden paths surrounded by the wonders and beauty of nature. Talk to experts in horticulture and conservation science. There is a sculpture garden. There is a butterfly and hummingbird exhibit, Wings of the Tropics Take classes on everything from photography to grafting. There are a large variety of tropical plants. The Garden includes many exhibits and collections as well as native habitats brought together in a unified landscape design that flows from one area to another.
Fairchild is dedicated to exploring, explaining and conserving the world of tropical plants. We are one of the premier conservation and education-based gardens in the world and a recognized international leader in both Florida and international conservation. Currently Fairchild has field programs in over 20 countries including support to protected areas in Madagascar and Africa and botanic garden development and renovation projects in South and Central America, the Caribbean and the Middle East.
As we work around the world, Fairchild’s level of dedication to native plant conservation in South Florida remains unparalleled. We also have one of the world’s greatest living collection of palms and cycads. This year we will reach over 150,000 students with The Fairchild Challenge, Explorer and Discovery programs.
Fairchild plays many roles, including museum, laboratory, learning center and conservation research facility. But its greatest role is preserving biodiversity, which the garden’s scientists, staff and volunteers all contribute to on a daily basis. In 2012, Fairchild also became the home of the American Orchid Society.
Festivals such as the International Mango Festival, the International Orchid Festival and the International Chocolate Festival are more than just spectacular events; they also have an education component with local and global experts giving lectures, talks and classes. Fairchild is also a cultural leader in the community. Our garden showcases tremendous art exhibitions and concerts each year.