Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Montgomery Botanical Center is open by appointment to scientists, educators, students, historians, botanical groups, and all others interested in scientific plant collections.
The mission of the Montgomery Botanical Center is to advance science, education, conservation, and horticultural knowledge of tropical plants, emphasizing palms and cycads, and to exemplify excellent botanical garden design. Through this mission, the Montgomery Botanical Center endeavors to make the Montgomery name known and respected throughout the world in the field of plant science.
The Montgomery Botanical Center carries out its mission by collecting seeds from wild populations of palms and cycads from around the world. Montgomery then germinates these seeds in its nursery and grows the resulting plants in population-based, documented, scientific collections in its extensive garden pursuant to excellent botanical garden design. Montgomery fosters and participates in scientific research by collecting and maintaining scientific data on its collections, making its collections and scientific data available to scientists for research purposes, and disseminating this research and data through scientific and popular publications. Montgomery cooperates with many botanical institutions and countries around the world by making its plant collections, knowledge, and expertise available to their scientists, educators, and students. The Montgomery Botanical Center staff also explain the mission and operations to the general public through workshops, lectures, publications, and tours of the plant collections.
The Montgomery Botanical Center’s well-documented, wild-collected, population-based, tropical plant collections are extraordinary in their scientific, educational, and conservation value—and the botanical garden that contains those collections is extraordinary in its design and beauty.
To see their collections, you must make an appointment.