Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Pinecrest Gardens is open for visitors 365 days a year including major holidays.
On Festival Days and/or during Special Events, the opening and closing hours may change. Check social media to confirm the hours the park will be open for that specific event.
Splash ‘N Play Hours – 7 days a week
9:00-11:00 a.m.
12:00-2:00 p.m.
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Seven days a week
Petting Zoo and Playground are closed for renovations – 4/7/2021.
Pinecrest Gardens includes a playground, petting zoo and picnic areas. Of course, it also includes one of the most beautiful and exotic botanical gardens in South Florida.
Pinecrest Gardens celebrates, cultivates and conserves South Florida’s rich botanical heritage. It enriches the community through historic preservation. The gardens also demonstrates a commitment to nature through education, community service and sustainability. It provides an entertainment destination that fosters artistic excellence, diversity and spirit of community.
To find more gardens, go to Botanical Gardens in South Florida.
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