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Are you stuck indoors with your kids and you are looking for indoor activities for kids that are free from technology? If so, you can run out of stuff to do pretty quickly. Whether you’re stuck inside because of the snow or the rain or the Coronavirus (COVID-19), there are lots of activities and games you can do.

Nowadays, you may find that people prefer to spend time on their different electronic gadgets. Children, for the most part, often choose to play video games and spend time surfing the internet. But if you are stuck inside for an unbearably long time (especially during the Coronavirus Quarantine time), decency may yet reveal itself. So parents, no need to worry because we have some solutions for you. Check them out!
Game of words
One of the easiest things to do if you are bored at home is to play word games, or verbal games. They require no set up or preparation of any sort. One of the most common examples of such games is ’20 Questions’ or ‘I Spy’. All you have to do is say things or answer questions. Say things…. Whatever you want! Wink wink.
There are quite a few options when it comes to word games.

Guessing games like Password, Balderdash and Catchphrase are quite easy to learn and play. In ’20 Questions’, you have to guess which person the other player is thinking of (witty, right). You can only ask twenty questions to guess who it is. Similarly, in ‘I Spy’, you have to describe an object from your surroundings (literally anything) with vague hints. These types of games are very enjoyable to play during your stay at home with your lovely family. They are also good indoor activities for kids.
Time to use the paper and pencil
If you want to kill some time and you have a piece of paper lying around, you can use it to participate in technology free indoor activities for kids that are quite enjoyable despite being simple. If it is raining outside and you are trapped inside, why not whip out some paper and pencil to wait the rain out?
Don’t worry if you don’t know any games, just pay attention because you are about to learn about some technology free indoor activities. Some of the simplest games involving paper and pencils are ‘Hangman’, Tic Tac Toe, ‘Name, Place, Animal, Thing’ and ‘Bingo’. These games don’t need anything to be purchased or set up. You can play them easily on the spot.

‘Hangman’ is the most easy to learn. One player thinks of a word and gives the other player a number of blank spaces. The other player has to guess the thing by suggesting letters of the alphabet. If that certain letter is in the name of the thing, the other player has to put it in its respective place.
Pull out the cards from your drawer
Card games are perhaps one of the most immersive ways to spend time. This includes the standard 52-card deck as well as other card games like. We are going to discuss them separately so you don’t get confused.

When it comes to the 52-card deck, there is a whole wide range of games you can play. The games are arranged according to the number of players required. For example, ‘Hearts is a game played by four people. But we all have tinkered with the rules and ended up playing a 4 player game with three people. So it is no big deal.
Meanwhile, games like UNO and other trading card games are more specifically played. The rules are simple and easy. You can easily enjoy these sorts of games with your friends or family while staying at home.
Build things together
We have all done this as kids. Making a fort is something of a rite of passage while growing up. And if you are stuck at home, this is a great way to kill some time as well. It is a great indoor activity for kids. To a young mind, the space under the dining table is a whole labyrinth. Making forts is incredibly fun and it’s a great way to spend time.

But forts are not the only things you can build. LEGO, Fat Brain Toys also has creative building and construction toys. If you are indoors home with nothing else to do, these are good technology free indoor activities for kids to avoid boredom.
Games on the fly
Imagine you are just chilling with your friends in your room. You have nothing to talk about and you are just sitting silently. Or imagine sitting in your garden with your family. In situations like these, any sort of games that proves to be a distraction is welcome and that’s why there are some impromptu games you can play.
There are some games like the ‘Word Ladder’. The main idea is to start a word with the letter that the previous word ended on. People customize this with animal names or names of countries etcetera. There are similar games where you have to identify and name flowers, plants and birds, and so on.
Board games for bored people
When talking about some non-electronic ways to spend time, you can’t leave out board games. These games are not something that you do as a last resort. In fact, these games are even something you can prefer over other things. Some classic and nostalgic board games involve Monopoly, Scrabble, Battleship and Risk etc.

These games are just simply so enjoyable that you can lose track of time while playing them. Forget being bored if you have any board games with you. They are also a great way to bond with your family. Some games like Dungeons & Dragons appeal to the fantasy of their players. All of these choices are good indoor activities for kids.
Music Exploration
Let’s not forget about music exploration. Our little ones can have tons of funs exploring
Let’s not forget about Arts and Crafts. Kids love arts and crafts. It is one of the best technology free indoor activities for kids. They can express themselves by painting and playing with clay. There are endless possibilities. Crayola has some indoor toys and activities that may interest you children.

So what if you are stuck at home, take this as a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your family. Surely, you are gonna miss this precious time when the kids in your life are older.