Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Open seven (7) days a week, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Except Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
The Fruit & Spice Park is a 37-acre subtropical paradise in the heart of the historic Redland community. They have gardens and they have festivals throughout the year. There is a variety of fruit and spices grown on the site. They grow exotic fruits, herbs, spices, mangos, bamboo, bananas and jackfruit.
Visit their herb and vegetable garden, stroll through the shady banana groves and wonder at the majesty of the African Baobab trees. Spend an hour or an entire day at the Fruit & Spice Park for a tastefully exotic experience.
Although visitors are not allowed to pick the fruit, they can keep and eat any fruit that falls on the ground.
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