Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Holiday Hours:
Thanksgiving: Closed
Christmas Eve, Dec 24: Closed at 3pm
Christmas, Dec 25: Closed
New Years Eve, Dec 31: Closed at 3pm
New Years Day, Jan 1: Closed
The Young at Art Museum includes interactive exhibits, an outdoor playspace, festivals, arts and crafts, a school, camps and sensory activities.
YAA is a place where families can gather; where children can build a sense of identity through art, architecture, history and culture; where artists can teach their aesthetics; where teachers can develop new art-integrated classroom skills; and where teens can expand their potential, whether through music production in our Teen Center’s recording studio or through volunteer opportunities throughout the museum.
YAA believes the museum is where imagination, education and discovery meet in exciting and new ways. YAA believes that art has the power to inspire and teach children of all ages. At YAA, you will experience a variety of sounds, textures and sights as you move through our exhibits, Art Institute and teen center.
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