Please contact the place before visiting to confirm operating hours. Sometimes facilities close unexpectedly for any number of reasons.
Hours of operations vary on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Check special schedule for those Holidays.
Zoo Miami includes includes animal feedings, presentations, rides, a kid zone and character meet and greets. The Kid Zone includes a splash pad, waterplay areas and a playground. Kids can also have fun at the Animal Fun Factory.
Zoo Miami’s Animal Fun Factory is a one-of-a-kind interactive exhibit where zoo visitors can learn about animal welfare and environmental conservation through hands-on creative play. Enrichment is used to promote the natural behavior of the animals at Zoo Miami. Visitors are guided by zoo educators to create enrichment items that provide this physical and mental exercise for Zoo Miami’s animal residents.
A visitor to the Animal Fun Factory might make a papier-mâché zebra for the lions to “hunt” or a birthday cake made out of cardboard boxes to celebrate an animal’s birthday. In creating these enrichment items, visitors gain awareness of and insight into how the animals are cared for and how important it is that everyone do their part to conserve and protect our natural resources.
Zoo Miami is the only sub-tropical zoo in the continental US. This is because its unique climate in South Florida allow them to care for a wide variety of animals from Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas. Their lush, tropical, open-air exhibits replicate our animals’ natural habitats and allow guests to enjoy beautiful and endangered wildlife at a safe, yet remarkably close range.
Zoo Miami today occupies almost 750 acres and is home to more than 3,000 animals representing over 500 different species. Of this population, more than 130 species are at risk in the wild; many classified as endangered or critically endangered. The zoo also houses more than 1,000 species of trees, palms and other plants, and over 100 special exhibits showcasing a broad number of species and scientific topics.