Quick, Easy, Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids

Are you rushed in the morning and need quick and easy breakfast ideas for your kid(s)?  Are you tired of your child not wanting to eat a healthy breakfast? Maybe you just feel like whatever you put in front of them is just not appealing enough or it takes too long to make. 

To help you stop wasting food and get some healthy fuel in your kid(s) body in the morning, let’s turn this around.  Make some of these quick, easy and healthy breakfast ideas for kids.  These ideas are so easy that your kids may be able to make the meals themselves.   In addition, if they make it themselves, they will be more likely to eat it and feel a sense of pride.



1. Choc-tastic Banana Toast 

bananas on toast

Who doesn’t like banana? With this recipe, your child will be able to mash or slice their banana to their heart’s content.  Try it out by doing the following:

  1. Mash or cut up a bananaa.
  2. Pop Toast in the toaster.
  3. Spread the toast with chocolate spread
  4. Add the banana on top.

This is a fantastic way to give them a sweet treat while also making it a healthier alternative. You don’t have to just limit yourself to banana either. In fact, strawberries work very well too! Want to change things up? Swap the chocolate spread for peanut butter. It’s just as easy and it’s packed with healthy oils and fats.


2.  Apple Chip Dips

Yogurt with Apple chips

You won’t have to worry about empty calories or a sugar crash with this one. You can trick your kids into thinking that they are going to be having a sweet treat for breakfast and this is the best way for you to work up their appetite.  Try it out by doing the following:

  1. Pour dried apple chips into a bowl.
  2. Add flavored yogurt.  Try peach, raspberry or even strawberry. 

Kids will  get vitamins from the apple chips, plus, they’re dried so it’s something that you can always have in your cupboard. Other dried fruits such as banana chips work well here too! If you have some sprinkles then you can put these out as well, so they can make their dips look even tastier. 


3.  Yummy, Scrummy Fruit and Yogurt Parfait 

yogurt parfait

Did you know that it’s entirely possible for you to turn any boring old cereal or granola into something far more interesting?  Then why not take yogurt and layer it in a glass, with berries, granola and other juicy treats.  If you want to do this recipe, do the following:

  • Put some yogurt into a glass
  • Add layers of berries and granola.

If you know that you are going to be in a real-rush because your kids have a big game on, then they can make this breakfast themselves, the night before. Frozen fruit works well if you’re doing this, as it’s extra juicy and overnight, it’ll completely.



4.  Fruit Cocktail

Fruit Cocktail

If you have tons of fruit just lying around, then why not put it all together in a bowl?  Do the following if you want to try this recipe:

  1. Put a variety of fruit in a bowl.
  2. Drizzle syrup over it.  (optional)
  3. Add nuts for extra fiber. (optional)
  4. Add Whip cream for that finishing touch. (optional).

This will give you the chance to help your child eat fruit that they normally wouldn’t and you may even find that it helps to get them interested in trying new things. This is a powerhouse breakfast that is truly packed full of vitamins and minerals.



5.  Breakfast Sushi


Another option would be for you to try and create your own breakfast sushi. Kids always like to eat what you are eating, so what better way to serve them some grown-up food? 

  1. Cut banana into slices or use the whole banana,
  2. Roll edges of banana in yogurt, and
  3. Roll in crushed cereal.

The edges of the banana will first be rolled in yogurt and then rolled in crushed cereal. If you don’t want your child using a plastic dinner knife, don’t worry. Full bananas can be rolled in yogurt instead. 

You will have an easy breakfast that is healthy with all the right vitamins to start the day.  This is one of the most versatile healthy breakfast ideas for kids, not to mention that they can prepare it themselves from start to finish.


6.  Cereal with Fruit

Cereal with milk

Since most kids enjoy cereal, let’s not forget about this classic twist on cereal.  Do the following to try it out.

  • Add cereal to a bowl,
  • Add sliced fruit, and
  • Pour milk.


7.  Fruity Bagel Sensation

Fruity Bagel

This is not your average bagel.  This is sweet sensation.  Make it by doing the following:

  1. Place bagel on the plate,
  2. Spread creamed cheese on the bagel, and
  3. Place fruit on the bagel.

This breakfast treat will help you to give the kids the fruity boost they need in the morning, not to mention that there are a huge range of toppings available too.  They can build the bagel themselves and there is zero cutting involved, as you can easily buy pre-sliced bagels from the store.  If you want to mix things up then you can easily try different forms of fruit, or you can scatter cereal on the top.


Safety Tips for Younger Kids

Some recipes will involve cutting up.  Instead of using a knife, kids can use a spoon to cut some fruit such as bananas.   To avoid cutting bagels, purchase pre-sliced bagels.  Another option is to purchase plastic cooking utensils made especially for kids. 

Let’s Start Cooking

These easy breakfast ideas for kids all have healthy elements but there are things that you can do to make them even healthier if you want to get creative. Why not see what you can come up with today? Better yet, let your little one take control of their breakfast by letting them prepare all of these breakfast ideas themselves. They will love the responsibility, and you’ll be able to get on with yours. 

If you want more information on teaching kids to cook, go to How To Teach Kids To Cook At Any Age.   Click here to find Cooking Classes For Kids in South Florida and Online.


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