Decorated Pumpkins

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to just carve in a spooky smile for your pumpkin to look fabulous? You can decorate your Halloween pumpkin in so many more ways than that! If you have younger children and you’re not confident with carving a pumpkin around them (small hands, big knives!), you may want an alternative. Carving pumpkins can be messy, and it takes some time to dig through the shell and dig out all of the flesh. You may also notice that a carved pumpkin rots a lot quicker than a pumpkin left intact. So, if you want to do something different this year, check out these fantastic ways this pumpkin guide will assist you with designing your pumpkin without carving a thing!

  • Paint It.
    • Traditional paint brushes work really well on pumpkins, and you can get your design on and start painting with a variety of colors to make your pumpkin stand out. If you want to, you can choose to spray paint your pumpkin. Metallic paint and chalkboard paint both works really well, but for an extra spooky twist, choose glow in the dark paint! You could even paint on your house numbers onto the pumpkin to identify your home for trick or treaters.
  • Use Glitter.
    • Who says your pumpkin has to be scary? Plenty of people dress up as fairies and magical creatures, and with a little glitter (or a lot), you can turn your pumpkin into your very own magical creature. Glitter paints and glues work very well on the shell, but you can also cover your pumpkin in glue and dump it in a bucket of glitter for an extra-special Halloween decoration!
  • Decoupage – What is that?
    • Most people don’t know what decoupage is, but it’s the art of gluing patterned paper cutouts to things. You can apply it to your pumpkin and make it a decoupage pumpkin. It’s artistic, it’s eye-catching, and there’s no messy pulp everywhere!
  • Add decorative pieces.
    • There are a large variety of decorative things you may add to a pumpkin. Anything from hats, pretend ears and more. If you don’t want to use glue, you can make small cuts in the pumpkin to help anchor the decoration into the pumpkin. You may also use pins.

If you want to add decorations to your pumpkin, you can choose whether you add them to the inside or outside. You can make small cuts to anchor decorations onto the pumpkin; you could even add battery-powered fairy lights to the pumpkin’s interior to light it up. Attaching decorations can be done quickly with pins or glue – it all depends on which embellishments you want! If you need some more ideas, please check out this video from HGTV Handmade.  

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