Pumpkins Lit UP

The Halloween etiquette we all grew up learning says that lighting the pumpkin is the best thing to do to let people know that your home is open to trick-or-treaters. So, it would be best to figure out a way to light up your pumpkin. This pumpkin guide includes plenty of options, and some of them are more time-consuming than others. You can choose to make them bright, or you can make them glow gently and eerily in the dark of the night – it’s really up to you. Here are our favorite options in this pumpkin guide:

  • Candles
    • The traditional way to light a pumpkin is with candles or tealights – the only problem is that it’s not the safest of options! Putting a candle into an enclosed space and then adding a hand to light it – not ideal! It may offer an authentic look, but you need to be careful with anything with an open flame. Candles need regular replacement, too, as the light won’t burn longer than a day. You can, however, get flameless candles. These are much safer, and they’re an excellent way to light a pumpkin. Since they run on batteries, you won’t be dealing with fire if the wind knocks it over.
  • Glow Sticks
    • If you want to make your pumpkin a funky one, why not add different colors? You can add glow sticks of varying shades, and it’s an affordable way to light your pumpkin from the inside. You can make them colorful, fitting in with the spirit of Halloween. Green-glowing glow sticks are going to make them look eerie, they’ll last for some time, and they’ll be cheap enough to change when they get low.
  • LED lights
    • If you want a long-lasting glow, why not pick LED lights? You can power them by both battery or cord so that you can glow up your pumpkin quickly and cheaply!
  • Fairy Lights
    • It’s one of the best ways to decorate your pumpkin. You can either sit the cordless string lights inside the pumpkin to glow from inside out or wrap the lights around the pumpkin and save some time on carving!

In general, battery-powered options will always be the better, safer option during Halloween, especially if you live in a windy town. It would help if you made it a safe glow – so that you can enjoy some spooky fun without any worries.


More Options

For more pumpkin tips, read one of these topics from our Ultimate Pumpkin Guide:

  1. How To Pick A Good Pumpkin.
  2. How To Design A Pumpkin
  3. How To Carve A Pumpkin.
  4. How To Decorate A Pumpkin.
  5. How To Light A Pumpkin
  6. How To Preserve A Pumpkin.


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