The Way Kids Play and Exercise
Before Coronavirus kids were always playing outside. At almost every public place, you were bound to find children running around or simply being extremely active. Sometimes you would wonder why and how are they so active. They make you wonder if your morning coffee or tea isn’t strong enough. If they are your kids, you watch them play and hope they will lose some of that abundant energy.
They have their own way of exercising and socializing. Some ways include climbing a monkey bar, sliding down a slide and playing cops and robber.
Playing physical activities is considered a form of exercise.
Fighting Coronavirus with a Strong Immune System
The rising pandemic, Covid-19, is an increasing concern for all age groups. However, an Australian scientist conducted a study where they found out how the immune system fights coronavirus. They found out that our immune system could in fact destroy the coronavirus. A strong immune system is an absolute necessity. As long as there is no cure for Coronavirus, maintaining a strong immune system is important.
Exercise can help contribute to a strong immune system. In general, the major advantage of playing regularly for children is that it boosts their immunity. It plays an extremely important role in your child’s health. Although your kid may be vaccinated, they may still be exposed to thousands of other diseases such as Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Natural Killer Cells Created During Exercise Helps Boost Immunity
According to this study, Natural Killer Cells are created after moderate exercise. The results were noticed after 6 weeks of exercise. These natural killer cells increased the body’s immune system and potentially reduces the risk and severity of respiratory viral infection.
Therefore, the more kids play, the more natural killer cells their body produces and the result is a better immune system for kids.
Antioxidant Created During Exercise Increases Immunity
Playing, which is a kid’s form of exercise, increases immunity because when people exercise their body produces an antioxidant called EcSOD (Extracellular superoxide dismutase). EcSOD assists with preventing or minimizing ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). ARDS is one of the complications that is associated with Coronavirus. When you hear on the news that people are on ventilators for Coronavirus treatment, they are actually fighting ARDS. The ARDS complication is associated with a higher death rate for Coronavirus patients. Therefore, the more your kid’s play, the more EcSOD they produce, the more they improve their chances of preventing or minimizing the impact of one of the more harmful complications of Coronavirus, ARDS.
For more info, please reference this article.
Exercise Assists With Concentration and Academic Performance and Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD)
There is a strong connection between exercise, memory, concentration, and mental sharpness for kids and adults. This is another benefit of playing for kids. Studies have shown that people who exercise are more likely to score better on tests and improve their memory than their peers who are not as physically active. Harvard Medical School published one of the studies.

When a person exercises, their brain releases chemicals that are responsible for enhancing their brain and mental health. Exercise helps in the growth of new brain cells that improves the connection between cells and improves attention. Regular exercise can benefit kids who are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD). Medications for ADD often have side-effects that are not good for kids. By playing, which is a form of exercise, the severity of the ADD may be significantly decreased. This was observed in this study.

Play Time Provides A Good Night Sleep
A good night’s sleep is crucial for a child’s health. With improper sleep, your child will remain tired. Tired kids will have a difficult time concentrating on school work. Exercise improves sleep quality and ensures.
Exercise Enhances Self-Confidence
For a shy child who is always quiet in gatherings and hides behind you when an adult or a child of the age group tries approaching them, there is nothing wrong with them; they just need a boost of confidence in life. Regular exercise will help them feel good about themselves and become more active in socialization. Put it to the test and see how your child becomes more buoyant and confident in life.
Exercise Reduces Stress
You might often come across cranky and tired children and wonder what’s wrong with them. Exposing them to exercise can, in fact, help kids relieve stress and stay in a good mood. When you exercise, our brains release a chemical called endorphins. Endorphins create a positive attitude among people. With frequent exercise, a stressed-out kid will finally find relief and serenity in the state he/she is in and feel optimistic towards life far more than ever. This is another benefit of exercise for kids.
Exercise Assists with Posture
Lanky or slouching children are often not as active as doctors, and experts recommend them to be. Their posture defines their lifestyle. For a child who is couch potato would easily be distinguishable considering his/her posture. Regular exercise greatly improves posture as it strengthens bones and muscles alike. Exercise may make your child stronger and healthier. Improved posture will be a result.

Breathing Exercises Assists with Immunity
Another worth-knowing fact is that it is healthier to breathe in using your nose and exhale with your mouth. The numerous hair and filtering elements of the nose cleans the air on the way in and the mouth provides a speedy relief of the used air. This is the simplest form of exercise for children. Do this with them for 15 minutes every morning, and you’ll thank yourself for introducing such wonderful exercise in your kid’s life.
Take care – don’t do too much
There are benefits of exercise for kids, no doubt. But you must take care of how much you do it. Going extreme is never a good idea, especially in matters that involve your body. Doing too much exercise may harm your body. Overexertion can lead to constant exhaustion and failing of your bodily processes. If you ignore the warning signs and push your body, you may potentially harm your body.
Based upon the information indicated above, we can say that if kids play regularly, they can decrease the impact from exposure to Coronavirus, decrease ADD symptoms, help their academic performance, improve their sleep and improve posture. Although Coronavirus has made it more difficult to incorporate exercise, it is possible and it will have positive impacts for your kids.
What do we do now
Kids can not safely go outside and play outside the same way as they did in the past. Therefore, it is extremely easy for kids to kill their time by playing video games or watching tv. Sitting all day long is far from a healthy routine. Children must always stay active as the importance of exercise is beyond significant.
There are numerous things for kids to do while playing outdoors and maintain social distancing at the same time. Kids can jump on a trampoline, jump rope, puddle jump, run away from the monster, go on scavenger hunts, ride bikes and hike.
If going outside is not a feasible option at this time, there are exercises kids can do inside the house. For example, they can do yoga, ballet or karate. If they need guidance, there are online classes that can assist.
For more immunity boosters go to this page